March 12, 2012
We might find several problems about teaching in Chile
Those can be:
-Low motivation
-Not enough time or not good quality during the process of teaching
-Lack of control
-Lack of techniques
-Cultural context
-Commited teachers, qualified teachers
-Lack of materials, resources.

The aims of our classes should be always focused on communication, keep the students motivated, get the control of the class, the use of techniques, being able to manage the class if there are not enough resources, being interactive, full of content, understand the social context of each student, etc.
We all know that it is not an easy job for the teachers because it is too demanding but it is not impossible.
Personal definition of Evaluation:
It is a strategy where the teacher can assess the student`s performance during the process of the student learning and it also involve the students monitoring their own abilities. It is an interactive process that involves teachers and students.
March 14, 2012
1) Theory of Language:
There are three types which are,
-Structural: It is a system of rules, where we can find closed sentences.
-Functional: Here we can find categories of function and meaning conversations, where we can find open dialogs.
-Interactional: It is a vehicle of social interaction and transactions, there is an exchange and where it also depends on many factors. Here we find a meaningful learning.
2)Theory of learning:
On this theory of learning, associated with a method, may emphasize either one or both of these dimensions which are,
-Process- Oriented: Habit, induction, inference, hypothesis, and generalization.
-Condition-Oriented: Nature of the human, physical context.
When the theories were published:
Krashen (1981): He distinguishes between Acquisition (natural way to learn) and Learning (artificial way to learn).
For Krashen, the type of “input” must be comprehensible but slightly above the learner`s present level of competence so finally there will be a challenge.
Terrel (1977): Natural Aproach is an example of a method derived from a learning theory rather than from a particular view of language. It is based on a learning theory that specifies the Process oriented and the Condition oriented.
Curran (1972): Counseling-Learning, he focused primarily on the conditions for successful learning. The atmosphere in the classroom is a very important factor.
Gattegno (1972,1976): The silent way is built around a theory of the conditins necessary for successful learning to be realized. Learners need to feel secure about learning and to assume conscious control of learning.
Asher (1977): TPR (Total Physical Response) Pysical / Motor activity
It is a method that derives primarily from learning theory rather than from a theory of the nature of language. He is worried about the both process and condition aspects of learning, a child language learning is based on motor activity, on coordinating language with action, and that should form the basis of adult foring language teaching.
March 19, 2012
Methods and approah have to be considered when we work in a school, we have to follow their rules and then we can plan our clases: (Design)
-A) Objectives
-b) Syllabus model: Lexical, Motional, Skills-based, gramatical-lexical, flexible.( In case of Mineduc, Syllabus are given)
-C) Thypes of level
-D) Role of learning
-E) Role of teaching
-F) Role of instructional materials
Bloom: -Cognitive, ex, objective, read St. Patric`s day.
-Affective, ex, objective, create a leyend about St. Patric`s day.
-Kinesthetic, ex, objective, to perform this.
Learner roles: They should have different roles, more than one.
- Processor
-Initiador (the student proposes too)
-Problem solver
Teacher roles:
The role of instructional materials:
The last component within the level of design, within the instructional system, what is specidied with respect to objectives, content, ex, the syllabus, learning activities, and learner and teacher roles suggests the fuction for materials within the system. It also defines the goals for language learning in terms of speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills.
-Presentation of the teacher activities
-Activities to practice the language.
March 23, 2012
Settings of the first Practicum (2011)
Type of
school: Particular subvencionado school (Juanita Fernández)
Number of
students per classroom: It is an average between 40 and 46 students per class
of hours a week: Three hours per week
Textbook: Ediciones Cal y Canto
Aproach: Structural view
Design: Conductism
Model, just providor of information.Student: Receives the information
(tests, instruments): Psychometric evaluation, e.g. multiple choices, true or
false tests.
Use of
technology: 15 computers with internet access for nearly 600
design would you propose to improve the English subject in that school?
In our consideration the design in this particular
school has to be completely improved. The teacher didn’t encourage the students
to speak the second language, only the content of the textbook was the
objective. The teacher’s motivation was very low, because she didn’t develop a
design for an instructional system.
The student’s role of learning should be the role of a
processor and performer. The teacher should be achieve the role of consultant
catalyst and guide, for example by encouraging the students of speaking the
second language and include more teaching activities.
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